Sunday, May 9, 2010

These are some screen shots from my student film "A Walk Home".  I used markers to color the animation, which took forever!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Caricature of me and a friend in Simpsons style

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Memories from third year internship

I spent my third year internship summer in Russia, interning in a small studio called Perspektiva, which is located in a picturesque town of Yaroslavl. Even though the trip wasn’t all safe to put it simply, it was one of the life changing experiences of my adult life.

In the first week of my internship I was asked to co supervise a group of kids, ages 12-14 from an orphanage, who came to participate in a small festival organized by the studio, as an extra curriculum activity for their school. In the format of the festival groups from all over Russia participated in making their own short film/ photo story or animations on a specific theme, which on that particular occasion was the story of Yaroslavl the wise, founder of their city.

My group was doing a traditionally animated short.  I felt the simplicity of those moments, all that mattered was that these kids needed to get their film finished and I have the privilege of helping them. I don’t think I had felt fulfilment quite on that level before.

Sasha, Ksenia and Nikolai (on the left)

During those 6 days I got to know Sasha, Kolia and Ksenia and hear some of their stories of life situations they experienced.  I tried to give positive advice for their future to the best of my knowledge. I wanted them not to loose hope that things will work out for the better, wanted them to believe they can achieve their goals, even though they start their teenage years in a disadvantaged situation. I hope they don’t forget those ideas if things get tougher. They are talented and smart.

During the presentation I didn’t expect to get an award, but was really touched by that gesture. My first award, and it is a special one for me. It wasn’t for my exceptional skills as an artist, but I more as a person. I like to think that way. At the screening kids were sitting next to me. I looked at their happy faces and thought “I have done some things right in my life!”. Looking back I feel the biggest reward that I got from this amazing trip was seeing those kids smiling, realizing that I contributed to that. I wish I could do more for them, and hope one day I will, but for now I’ve done to the best of my abilities.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009